Welcome! We appreciate you taking the time to visit and see what our program is all about.

This is our 15th year in the bull sale business – and it’s been an exciting adventure. Our offering this year includes sons of Crook MT Range 7949, VDAR Stout 7736, Hero’s Pride 2012, Crook Mt Cedar 7912, Frei Stretch 704 and Frei Stout 808. We’re really impressed with the genetics these fellas consistently bring to the pasture. Females out of these bulls are maternal, docile, and excel in any condition. They have good feet and udders and raise nice calves.

Bulls in this year’s were born in March and April, 2020 and weaned in late September – right off the cow with no supplemental feed throughout the summer. They are currently being fed a high-roughage ration – preparing them for breeding season without adding excess weight that may cause injury.

We have a nice selection of bulls that are suitable for heifers, as well as many cow bulls. They are priced from $3,000 – $5,000 and backed by an unconditional first season breeding guarantee. They will be tested and measured in April. We keep and deliver bulls at no additional charge.

Have any questions? Call Lance at 605-985-5541 or 605-515-1031. Or stop by the ranch any time to take a look at the bulls and our cow herd.